Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Sock it to Me

My Baudelaires are finally finished! Woot!

I think if I hadn't finished these this weekend, someone would have had to cart me off to the asylum down the highway in Selkirk...

I like the look of these better on my foot than laid out flat. I am not fond of the way the toe looks pointy - I probably could have gone back in the beginning and adjusted the increases to make it more rounded; however, hindsight is 20/20.

The Regia Galaxy is a really sweet yarn in that the colours make these cool rings when it is knit up - it shows really well on the bottom of my foot. This yarn would probably make a great plain sock too.

My very favorite part of this sock is the cute itty-bitty cable that runs up from the ankle.

Being a forgiving person (for the most part) - I have forgiven the socks for the bad chi and have moved on to my next project. They have actually come in handy the last two days as it has been pretty chilly here and having my finished socks with me, I could slip them on to keep my feet warm.


Melanie said...

Hurrah! Finished socks = happy happy joy joy :) Sadly I am still plugging away at my dang blanket :(

prairiegirl said...

Lovin' the socks!!!!