Friday, July 18, 2008

Thursdays are for Frogging...

In finishing my Dress Code Wrap yesterday, I found that my inkling that it "looked a little big" was quite the understatement. The drape of this yarn was quite different that what was used in the pattern I loosely based it after. A circus elephant could have fit it, still having enough room for his trunk. I swear the damn thing was HUGE!

After patiently ripping out half the cast off last night, I had a breakdown at midnight and threw the whole bloody thing in the trash. I am still not done with it though - I will pick up some new yarn today... THAT yarn had bad chi.

On a brighter note, today is my last day working at the University! My department is taking me out for lunch...

Also, I threw in some guesses for naming some of cosymakes new handspun the other day and she picked one of mine! Woot! I get 10% off - I think I am going to order her book. I love the embroidery on her pieces.

Have a wicked Friday and enjoy your weekend!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Lunchtime is for Knitting

This is my last week at the U of M and due to holidays and my coworkers taking me out for lunch on Friday, today was the last day that Sarah and I will be lunchtime knitting **sniff**.

I will miss it - as I've gotten used to having a fellow knitter to share my obsession with over the noon hour. Plus the atmosphere at the University is conducive to knitting...

I think the few minutes when we took these two pictures was the only time it was sunny today. Sarah - I promise I will keep an eye out for positions in Library Services at the School Division and I will see you at SnB.

Now off to my exit interview...

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Sock it to Me

My Baudelaires are finally finished! Woot!

I think if I hadn't finished these this weekend, someone would have had to cart me off to the asylum down the highway in Selkirk...

I like the look of these better on my foot than laid out flat. I am not fond of the way the toe looks pointy - I probably could have gone back in the beginning and adjusted the increases to make it more rounded; however, hindsight is 20/20.

The Regia Galaxy is a really sweet yarn in that the colours make these cool rings when it is knit up - it shows really well on the bottom of my foot. This yarn would probably make a great plain sock too.

My very favorite part of this sock is the cute itty-bitty cable that runs up from the ankle.

Being a forgiving person (for the most part) - I have forgiven the socks for the bad chi and have moved on to my next project. They have actually come in handy the last two days as it has been pretty chilly here and having my finished socks with me, I could slip them on to keep my feet warm.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The Neverending [Sock] Story

Sometime in April

Bought super-cool sock yarn from Wolseley Wardrobe. Loved it, hugged it, called it my own.


Cast on first Baudelaire Sock. It's so pretty - I love Cookie A. - what a genius. Pattern is super fun - not big on the figure 8 cast on. Not as fun. Cruising along! Happy Day!


Cable on leg is not happening. I keep making mistakes and frogging back to heel. Mental Note: probably not the best sock to bring to the SnB. Talking + Not Paying Attention + Chart = Tink.


Crazy busy May! Not enough time to knit! Must. Finish. Sock.


1 Sock finished! Hooray for pretty sock.


Cast on Sock no. 2. Get angry over figure 8 cast on. Cast on and start 4 times before happy with tension...


Still knitting boring second sock. Argh. Desperate to start something else. Buying scads of new yarn to compensate for fact of wanting to start new project. Stop self from starting anything else until finished sock.


Met with "Are you still on that same sock?" at SnB. Cry a little inside. Scream. Feel a bit better...


Initiate a round of "The Sock that Never Ends" at SnB. Wolly Bullies join in in chorus and sympathize for sock woe.


Embarrased to be bringing "same old sock" to SnB tonight. Had to slap down new projects that tried to sneak into my bag this morning.

DaMN yOu FrEAkiN SOcK!

Monday, June 16, 2008

World Wide Knit in Public (WWKIP) Day

Saturday was World Wide Knit in Public (WWKIP) Day and the Wooly Bullies were out shaking their fibers again…

Nicole planned a fabulous event for us where we gathered at the University of Manitoba. I brought my cousin Kathryn whom we taught how to knit and was well on her way to a dish cloth by the time we left.

I got some grey sock yarn in the yarn swap and won five skeins of a very strange colored alpaca wool in the prize draw…

Everyone brought food for the potluck lunch and my pails of margueritas were a big hit! It was damn good food too!

One of my favorite things was those of us who wore our matching “Yarn is a four-letter word” shirts…

So much fun! It's too bad the impending threat of rain kept us inside for the day. Oh well, maybe we will have sun next year...

Monday, June 9, 2008

My Sheeples Peoples

Hello Interweb!

Today is my first post ever on the blog-iverse. I have determined that in order to be able to participate in the coveted "yarn-swap" you must have a blog to which you make regular posts.

What better of a time to start my blog than the week after our Sheeples field trip!

A group of us knitterly people (too bad I have my hand over my face to try to keep from eating my hair) took a trek out to Inwood, MB to a place called Sheeples to learn how to spin and to play with baby sheep! Here I am with a day-old lamb...

Thank goodness Nicole is such a planning genius! She organized the whole trip - Thank you!

I got the chance to try my hand at spinning. I don't think I am quite dedicated enough to invest it that hobby yet; although, it does seem like it could be gratifying...

A bunch of my other fellow Wooly Bullies Stitch n' Bitchers were there including other bloggers like Allison, Melanie and Holly. We had a blast!

Who doesn't love baby sheep?